VIDEO: Government Forced Kid Cages

In parts of New Mexico children have no choice but to wait for their school bus inside of cages. These “kid cages” are the result of government agencies abuse of the Endangered Species Act. The United States Fish & Wildlife Service has placed wolves in populated areas where they have become an economic burden for small business owners, infringed upon private property rights, burdened taxpayers with management costs, and placed fear in the hearts of those who have to deal with them on a daily basis.
Hear stories and see footage of Kid Cages here in Wolves in Government Clothing

1) State’s rights should not be infringed through broad applications of the Commerce Clause.
2) Plants and animals not in danger of extinction should not be granted rights that impede business, industry and livelihoods.
3) Economic consequences should once again be considered in the rule making process.
4) Agents of the Federal government should be held personally responsible when they exceed their authority and create financial hardships for hardworking Americans.
Opportunity for everyone to live the American dream requires that the ESA be reformed.
This is so horrible. Why doesn’t someone contact O’Reilly, Hannity, Greta, or one of the Fox News host so that they can bring this to the attention of the public.
Another result is the wild fires- the livestock growers have given up on range pasture and the brush and grass are the fuel for the next big fire.
Those little crackers are an endangered species.
ummm hate to tell you but the wolves are no longer on the endangered species act, hence the hunts in Montana, Wyoming and other places the only ones still endangered are mexican red wolves. I’m not a libtard just passionate about wolves. MaryAlice in your comment section does have it right tho due to wildfires they have been pushed and us as humans encroach on their land also. We have to find the balance not play God. As far as the kids in cages…it’s called a parent with a gun
Actually here in southern AZ mexican grey wolves are being reintroduced into areas they should not be. They are being kept on endangered list. Yes, they use cages in Northeast AZ because kids got attacked. You are not allowed to kill them. People here are trying to fight. There is not a food supply here for them other than cattle and domestic animals.
[…] Government Forced Kid Cages Children in safety cages so environmentalist-preferred, “endangered” wolves can freely prowl our neighborhoods […]
The environmentalists need to butt out of the cage thing. If this helps parents and kids feel safer, then it is doing no harm. The people living in the Gila and impacted by the wolves need to get a grip – wolves are historically part off that ecosystem, and if they had not been exterminated, they would naturally be there anyway. People need to learn to coexist with them, or leave. This is not a popular opinion in my family (ranchers from northern NM), however I for one do not believe humans should dictate which animal species gets to survive and which one does not. I think the wolf restoration is the right thing to do and will help ensure a healthy eco system in the long run.
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a chance to gain more subscribers to
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